Our registered address is:
82 Fordlands Road, Fulford, York, YO19 4QW
What information do we hold and use?
We hold personal information about our staff, customers, and users of our services.
You provide us with information when you:
How is your information used?
Personal information is used in several ways:
Where we store your information?
Information is stored electronically on restricted access, password protected, online data management systems or on the servers of our encrypted cloud service providers.
Where information is recorded on paper files, it is stored securely in restricted access offices or locked carriers.
Where information is shared with third parties (as part of service delivery), matters relating to data storage are set out in contracts and/or data sharing agreements.
Your information will only be shared within the definitions of your specified contract, non-disclosure agreements or data sharing agreement. No data will be shared without permission.
We will not sell or rent your information to third parties.
We will not share your information with third parties for marketing purposes.
How long do we hold your information?
How will you contact me?
Customers: We will contact you electronically or by phone as required contractually or operationally to deliver products and services to your organisation and as part of the evaluation/feedback process.
Trainees: We will contact you only if we need to check data or require further information for ongoing impact of the training sessions and evaluation of our services.
Your Rights